

    Journey of a Lifetime Trust

    Since 1983, the Journey of a Lifetime Trust (JoLt) has been making a positive, lasting difference to the lives of hundreds of disabled, ill, abused and neglected young people. JoLt is a small charity run on a totally voluntary basis by a group of ordinary people with families and careers. It was set up in 1983 to make a positive lasting difference to the lives of disabled, ill, neglected and abused young people.Every two years, we organise expeditions all over the world for groups of young people (from fourteen to twenty one years) with significant disadvantages. All long to travel to far-away places. JoLt makes their dreams come true.

    Jolt 2024 Updates

    Follow the JoLt 2024 expedition across Cambodia and Vietnam! Read More

    Changing Lives

    The journey is a life-transforming event, "jolting" youngsters out of their old lives, helping them to grow in confidence and self-esteem and giving them the ability to take control of their future. Read More

    How You Can Help

    For our next trip in 2024 we are looking to recruit two Qualified Female Doctors to join expedition leadership team on the 2024 Journey of a Lifetime across South East Asia.   Read More

    Keep up with JoLt - Blog

    Future Trips
    May 26, 2020

            Future Trips – An Update Our priority has always been the safety and well-being of the young people that we take […]

    Read More

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      ‘I frequently reflect back to July 1994 which was such a life changing event and which gave me belief and confidence to take on further challenges.
      A Previous Jolter
      JoLt believes that ‘None of us on our own could do this journey but together we can do amazing things” and we do!
      A Previous Jolter
      Thank you will never be enough. Our son had a fantastic time and has returned home energised and so much more confident with fantastic memories
      Parents of a Jolter
      Through supporting, helping and caring for each other, we learnt we can also be independent
      A Key Jolt Message
      I can say that Jolt was the BEST month of my life, it's brought friendship and companionship to me, and I will really miss it next week when I go back to school
      Young sixth-former with cerebral palsy

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